Hyposmia is the partial loss of the ability to perceive smells.
This condition is related to that of anosmia which is the complete
inability to perceive smells. This impairment can result from head
trauma, allergies, flu, infections, nasal polyps, or other causes.
Hyposmia is the most common of olfactory impairments and sometimes is
self-repairing, but much of the time remains permanent.
Hyposmia is of particular relevance to those working in the sensory
field as affected individuals have a higher threshold for odor and
flavor perception, and may have a poor ability to identify odors or
discriminate intensity levels. Sensory Analysts should be aware of this
condition and may need to screen panelists prior to panel
More Information:
Lawless, H. T., & Heymann, H. (1999) Sensory Evaluation of Food: principles and practice.