Display Title Evergreen Outstanding Student Presentation Awards
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The following presentation awards are selected from SSP Student oral and poster presenters at the SSP Conference. Those selected to receive an Evergreen Outstanding Presentation award are announced during the conference award ceremony.
Outstanding Presentation on Use of Scientific Principles
Honoring Jean F. Caul Sponsored by The Wolf Group
| Jean Caul's role in sensory evaluation is inestimable. ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation named Jean a "Pioneer" of the field and awarded her one of the first Peryam Awards. She wrote and published the first definitive article on descriptive sensory analysis—the flavor profile method, which served as a foundation for a myriad of descriptive methods. Her advocacy of descriptive sensory analysis, her early use of consumer testing, and, along with other pioneers, her absolute commitment to the use of near perfection in the application of good scientific principles in planning, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting data from sensory studies set the standard for test execution that allows sensory analysis to be a respected research tool.
- 2024: Morgan Failla
- 2022: Audrey (Chia Yu) Kuei
- 2020: Brittany Miles
- 2018: Sara Burns
- 2016: Will Harwood
- 2014: Nadia Byrnes
- 2012: Bangde Li
- 2010: Dominique Sinopoli
- 2008: Michael Nestrud
Outstanding Presentation
that Develops or Expands a Method
Honoring Beverley KrollSponsored by
| Beverley J. Kroll co-founded Peryam & Kroll Research in 1957 and was among the first to apply sensory and consumer testing methods to new product development. In the days when women executives were rare, Bev’s business acumen helped establish P&K Research as a leader in the field of sensory and market research, contributing to the new product successes of many of the world’s leading consumer packaged goods companies. Bev devoted time and her company’s resources to fostering sensory and consumer science. P&K Research was a Founding Sponsor of the Society of Sensory Professionals and is one of its Lifetime Patrons. In her honor, SSP bestows the award for Outstanding Presentation that Develops or Expands a Method to a student at its biyearly conference. In 1995, Bev helped establish the David R. Peryam Award, granted by ASTM International Committee E18, which recognizes outstanding professionals in the applied sensory science field. Throughout her life, Bev was active in Chicago-area community organizations and a generous contributor to charitable causes, extending her legacy.
- 2024: Samuel Hoffman
- 2022: Kym Man
2020: Thadeus Beekman
2018: Weilun Tsai
2016: Rebecca Liu
2014: Sara Carlisle
2012: Alissa Allen
2010: Thierry Worch
- 2008: Carrita Hightower
Outstanding Presentation on
an Applied Topic
Honoring Elaine Skinner
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| Elaine Zlobick Skinner pioneered strategic sensory influence in a business environment and developed a strong business sensory model at General Foods. During her almost 40 years at General Foods she brought strong analytical and business skills to R&D, marketing, and operations projects that needed sensory input. Elaine's characteristic openness to new ideas, new methods, different approaches, and rational arguments made her a valuable team member across the company. However, Elaine's greatest asset was her mentoring skills, which created a rich environment for growth for the sensory scientists, psychophysicists, and statisticians that worked for her. Her legacy is the concept of strong sensory scientists as part of strategic teams in business providing insights on product evaluation and consumer research.
- 2024: Dominic Rovai
- 2022: Megan Watson
- 2020: Min Sung Kim
- 2018: Mackenzie Hannum
- 2016: Megan Parker
- 2014: Karolina Sanchez
- 2012: Cecile Bavay
- 2010: Lydia Rice
- 2008: Tristin Brisbois Clarkson