Opening Keynote
Sensory Marketing and Sensory Science: Finding the Common Ground
Wednesday, October 26 • 1:30–2:30 p.m.
Capitol Ballroom
Mimi Morrin, Fox School of Business, Temple University
Dr. Morrin will discuss recent research findings from the growing field of sensory marketing, including her own work on olfaction and haptics. She will then discuss some of the differences in methodological approaches and theoretical foci in the fields of sensory marketing and sensory science, and propose areas of common interest and opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration.
Dr. Morrin founded and directs the Consumer Sensory Innovation Lab. Together with her team of doctoral students, she examines various ways the human senses impact the consumer decision-making process. She is a member of the editorial review board of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and Recherche et Applications en Marketing. She recently served as Area Editor for the Journal of Consumer Psychology. She has received several awards and external grants to support her research. She enjoys teaching customer data analytics at the undergraduate and Masters level, as well as doctoral seminars on consumer behavior and theory development. Professor Morrin received her Ph.D. from New York University, where she was a Consortium Fellow and won an Outstanding Teaching award. She also is a graduate of Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management (MBA) and Georgetown University (BSFS). Her background includes five years of corporate work experience in advertising (at Ted Bates) and brand management (at James River Corp and Playtex Family Products).