Pam Henderson, Ph.D., is CEO of NewEdge, Inc., a growth, strategy, and design firm that advises companies across every industry, from Fortune 500 to startups and nonprofits. Originally on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, Pam later worked with the national laboratory system and Washington State University to commercialize early stage technologies. Pam speaks internationally and has published widely on market insight, business and innovation strategy, and design and has received recognition in the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, and NPR.
Pam is also the author of a new book on Opportunity Thinking, titled You Can Kill an Idea, But You Can’t Kill an Opportunity! How to Discover News Sources of Growth for Your Organization. She will talk about Opportunity Thinking and how this approach is helping companies and organizations achieve sustainable growth.
Opportunity Thinking: Making the Sensory Sciences More Impactful in Helping Organizations Capture Opportunity
Sensory science is at the foundation of creating products that delight consumers and drive loyalty. As such, it is at the heart of helping organizations identify and capture opportunity. Why is it then that sensory scientists often feel they are not fully impacting their organizations through their findings? More importantly, how can sensory science have an even greater impact? To answer these questions, we explore the nature of opportunity itself through the principles of "opportunity thinking." Opportunity thinking is the new skill set for the sensory scientist. It enables the scientist to maximize their impact on their organization. It frames research in the context of the larger opportunity increasing the ability to persuade the business to venture into new areas.