Wednesday, September 17 — 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Presidio Ballroom
Fee: $195 (Included with Member, Nonmember, Student Member, and Wednesday Single Day Registration)
Moderators: Rebecca N. Bleibaum, Tragon Corporation; Donya Germain, ACCE International; Darla Hall, Research Vibe;
Christine VanDongen, Nestlé Health Science
Compelling and aggressive advertising claims are under increasing scrutiny by competitors, network and social media, government review boards, and consumer organizations. If you are a player in crafting, substantiating, communicating, reviewing, defending, or challenging sensory product claims for advertising, this event is for you. SSP is joining with the ASTM International Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation to present this comprehensive workshop on ad claims.
Thought-provoking topics include:
- How the NAD regulate sensory claims
- What gets accepted and/or rejected
- How you can protect your company
- How you can challenge others
- Global trends in sensory claims
- The role of ASTM E18 Standards
Mona Wolf and Bethia Margoshes
ASTM E18.05.09 Committee Co-Chairs
Overview of E1958 Standard Guide for Sensory Claims Substantiation
David G. Mallen, Loeb & Loeb, LLP
Ex-Deputy Director, National Advertising Division, Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB)
“Claim Substantiation at NAD and the Role of the ASTM Guide” |
Kay Dixon, NBC Universal, Inc.
Advertising Standards Manager
"Passing the Sniff Test: Broadcast Advertising Standards and Sensory Claims."
Thomas P. Jirgal, Loeb & Loeb, LLP
Partner and Co-Chair, Advertising Disputes, Loeb & Loeb, LLP
“Challenging and Defending Advertising Claims”
Don Lofty, SC Johnson (retired), Corporate Legal Counsel
Recently retired; antitrust and trade regulation, and advertising law
"House Counsel and Claim Substantiation: Inside the Mind of Inside Counsel"
Teressa Johnson, Wendy’s International
Director of Sensory and Consumer Guidance Testing and Technical Support
“Into the Fryer Without Getting Burned: Practical Applications of E1958” |
Sharon Young, The Procter & Gamble Company
Baby Care Principal Scientist/Engineer
“A Practitioner’s View of Relevant and Reasonable Claims” |
Ruth M. Corbin, Corbin Partners, Inc.
Chair, Corbin Partners, Inc., and Adjunct Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Standards: A Canadian’s World View”